You need translations yesterday, right? That’s why we prioritize your deadlines.
Whether you need a document in two weeks or 24 hours, we do our best to fit translations into your project schedule.
In 2017, we delivered 99.8% of all jobs on schedule. And nearly a third of those were delivered at least one day before the promised deadline.

Our in-house team is the best in the business.
Personable and professional, they get their hands into each project to ensure it meets your highest expectations.
Many clients find that we anticipate what they need before they even ask. Magic? Nope. Experience! Our project managers have, on average, half a decade of tenure here at Idem.

We know it’s hard to shop for a translation company. We want to make it easy for you.
- We have been in the business since 1983.
- Our quality management system has been triple-certified (ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 17100) since 2012.
- We release all-inclusive quotations so you can be sure that our translations will fit your budget, right from day one.

We’re almost perfect.
We measure perfection by Right First Time because we believe that translations should be flawless from the very first delivery.
In 2017, 98.7% of our initial deliveries required zero correction.
And when you do need a correction or a minor tweak, we believe that time is of the essence. We fix most requests within hours and some within minutes.

You have more important things to do than copy and paste.
Our translations replicate the English formatting you already locked down with Robinson. After we translate, you’ll be ready to print immediately.
Need a quick fix? We’re happy to help with that, too. Because no one likes making changes to a document they can’t read.